internet packages

COX Overview

Cox DVR/Receiver
Cox make the user experience seamless by employing DVR technology through Contour.Cox DVR service features easy navigation via voice command options and other search tools. Cox delivers two models of DVR:Record 2 allows users to save up to 100 hours of HD content and recors two channels. The second model provided by Cox DVR is Record 6 enabling consumers to record six channels and store up to 250 hours of HD content.
Why choose Cox Internet
Cox features three basic plans: Basic,Intermediate and Premium.The basic plan is recommended for nominal internet usage whereas the intermediate plan suits perfectly for live streaming, broadcasting, downloading large files, transferring data, and executing daily tasks.However, for heavy internet usage, Premium Internet package is recommendable.
For corporate usage, Cox offers a panoramic WIFI gateway as it keeps the sensitive free from malware and cyberattacks.